main points of a speech
main points
: main points 要頂 ようこう 綱領 こうりょう
points (of a speech)
: points (of a speech) 節々 節節 ふしぶし
focus attention on the main points
: 主要{しゅよう}な点に焦点{しょうてん}を絞る
grasp the main points
: 要点{ようてん}をつかむ
limit the number of main points
: 要点{ようてん}を絞る
pick up the main points
: 要点{ようてん}を取り出す
recap the main points of
: ~の要点{ようてん}を繰り返す
rough in the main points of the plan
: 計画の概要をザッとまとめる
salient points in the speech
: 講演の要点
salient points of the speech
: 講演の要点
to line up points in a speech
: to line up points in a speech 書き並べる かきならべる
make good points in one's speech
: スピーチでポイントをついたことを言う
simple outline of the points of someone's speech
: (人)のスピーチの論点{ろんてん}の簡単{かんたん}な概略{がいりゃく}
main purport of someone's speech
: (人)の演説{えんぜつ}の趣旨{しゅし}
deliver the main speech at one's funeral
: ~の葬儀{そうぎ}で弔辞{ちょうじ}を述べる
"main point and details" 意味
"main point of discussion" 意味
"main point of the forthcoming reorganization" 意味
"main point on the agenda" 意味
"main points" 意味
"main pole" 意味
"main port city" 意味
"main portion" 意味
"main potential" 意味
"main point on the agenda" 意味
"main points" 意味
"main pole" 意味
"main port city" 意味
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